Accelerating the Cultivation and Development of New Quality Productivity


Transferred from 《People's Daily》

Developing new-quality productive forces is an inherent requirement and an important focus for promoting high-quality development.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "We must firmly grasp high-quality development as the primary task and develop new-quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions." "All localities must adhere to proceeding from reality, establish first and then break down, develop in accordance with local conditions, and provide classified guidance." The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed that "we should improve the institutional mechanism for developing new-quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions."

All regions and departments have devised new strategies and taken practical measures to develop new-quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions, promoting the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation and shaping new drivers and advantages for development.

In the first half of the year, China's economy presented a hard-won "report card." Among the 41 major industrial categories, the added value of 39 industries achieved year-on-year growth. High-tech industry investment increased by 10.6% year-on-year. The added value of high-tech manufacturing industries above designated size increased by 8.7% year-on-year, with a growth rate 2.7 percentage points higher than that of all industries above designated size.

With "newness" leading the way, the accelerated cultivation and development of new-quality productive forces are promoting the optimization of China's economic structure, the improvement of total factor productivity, and the strengthening of new drivers and advantages. Obvious results have been achieved in high-quality development.

Developing new-quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions and shaping new drivers and advantages for development

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we should focus on the key areas and weak links in the construction of a modern industrial system, increase the supply of high-quality science and technology, cultivate and develop emerging industries and future industries, and actively use new technologies to transform and upgrade traditional industries.

The "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Further Comprehensively Deepening Reform and Promoting Chinese Path to Modernization" (hereinafter referred to as the "Decision") proposes that "develop productive forces characterized by high technology, high efficiency, and high quality," "establish a growth mechanism for future industries' investment," and "guide the healthy and orderly development of emerging industries."

Focusing on key links, various regions have introduced solid measures to develop new-quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions and shape new drivers and advantages for development.

Solid steps in upgrading traditional industries -

A set of data 见证 the cost reduction and efficiency increase brought by the digital transformation of Huasheng Rubber Group: a 25% increase in logistics efficiency, a 10% reduction in costs, and a 5% increase in equipment utilization rate. "We have connected to the Inspur Yunzhou rubber industry resilient supply chain platform and realized order-based production, which has greatly reduced equipment standby time and also improved the accuracy of tire quality inspection." said Wang Lulu, director of the information management center of Huasheng Rubber Group. After digital transformation, the backlog of semi-finished products waiting for materials and the average daily occupancy of funds have been reduced by nearly one million yuan.

Empowered by new technologies, promoting the upgrading and transformation of product design, production processes, and business models, traditional industries thrive because of "newness." Up to now, the penetration rate of digital R & D and design tools in key industrial enterprises in China has reached 80.1%, and the numerical control rate of key processes has reached 62.9%. A total of 421 national-level demonstration factories for intelligent manufacturing and more than 10,000 provincial-level digital workshops and intelligent factories have been cultivated. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and digital twins have been applied in more than 90% of demonstration factories. Traditional industries have embarked on an innovative path of transformation and upgrading.

Cultivating and strengthening the ecosystem of emerging industries -

In Changzhou, Jiangsu Province, the production workshop of "Seal" at the BYD base is bustling. In stamping, welding, painting... The robotic arms stretch and rotate, and the welding points are ablaze. A new car rolls off the production line in less than a minute. Now, for every five new energy vehicles sold globally, one is a BYD.

In 2023, China's production and sales of new energy vehicles accounted for more than 60% of the global share, ranking first in the world for nine consecutive years. In the first half of this year, China's new energy vehicle production increased by 34.3% year-on-year.

The new energy vehicle industry is an epitome of the accelerated cultivation and growth of many emerging industries in China. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, in the first half of the year, the added value of China's aerospace and equipment manufacturing industry increased by 10% year-on-year. The production of major digital products such as integrated circuits, service robots, liquid crystal displays, and smartphones all maintained double-digit growth rates. New-generation information technology, artificial intelligence, new energy, new materials, high-end equipment, and more are constantly giving birth to new growth points.

Speeding up the construction of the future industry landscape -

In just 30 seconds! In the artificial intelligence innovation pilot zone in Maqiao Town, Minhang District, Shanghai, six industrial robots complete the assembly of intelligent flexible joints for humanoid robots that integrate communication, computing, and sensing. "We can simultaneously produce more than 10 different models of humanoid robot joints, with a maximum designed annual production capacity of 1 million units." Zhang Lei, the person in charge of the 5G intelligent factory of Cloudminds Technology, introduced that the company has developed a cloud-based brain robot operating system, breaking through the limitations in standardization, integration, and industrialization of key components of humanoid robots and realizing large-scale automated production.

At the beginning of the year, China's third-generation independent superconducting quantum computer was put into operation; in April, China's independently developed general humanoid robot "Tiengong" made its debut; in June, Chang'e-6 achieved the world's first sampling and return from the far side of the moon... Future industries represent the direction of the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. Developing future industries is not only an inherent requirement for promoting high-quality development but also an important support for the construction of a modern industrial system. Since this year, all regions and departments have actively strengthened institutional supply in new fields and new tracks and made moves along the "roadmap."

Jin Zhuanglong, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that next, we will focus on fields such as humanoid robots, brain-computer interfaces, metaverse, next-generation Internet, 6G, quantum technology, atomic-level manufacturing, deep-sea, aerospace, and space development, implement a number of scientific research projects, break through a number of key core technologies, form a number of landmark products, achieve a number of landmark results, and build a number of enterprise incubators.

All regions, based on their own technological strength and industrial foundation advantages, continue to exert efforts in the direction of "newness."

Beijing focuses on building an international scientific and technological innovation center and opening up new fields and tracks such as quantum, life sciences, and 6G; Shandong proposes to organize and implement 100 major scientific and technological innovation projects every year and cultivate about 10 new provincial-level emerging industrial clusters; Liaoning, according to its local industrial foundation, focuses on strengthening and expanding 12 advantageous industrial clusters such as aviation equipment, ship and offshore engineering equipment; Anhui plans to accelerate the construction of scientific and technological innovation highlands such as quantum information, fusion energy, and deep space exploration; Guizhou emphasizes seizing the "tide" of artificial intelligence to expand the digital economy and deeply implement six major scientific and technological strategic actions...

Sheng Chaoxun, director and researcher of the Strategic Policy Office of the Chinese Academy of Macroeconomic Research, believes that developing new-quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions and earnestly implementing that "new-quality productive forces themselves are green productive forces" will better gather resources to promote scientific and technological innovation, develop new business forms and models that meet the characteristics of high efficiency, intelligence, green, and sustainability, and provide important support for promoting high-quality regional development, cultivating new economic drivers, and seizing new opportunities in scientific and technological revolutions.

The innovation chain and industrial chain are accelerating deep integration, promoting the accelerated transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized: "Strengthen the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain, and promote the accelerated transformation of scientific and technological achievements into real productive forces."

The "Decision" proposes that "establish a mechanism for cultivating and strengthening leading scientific and technological enterprises and strengthen the deep integration of industry-university-research led by enterprises."

New-quality productive forces are characterized by a significant increase in total factor productivity. Their characteristic is innovation, the key lies in high quality, and their essence is advanced productive forces.

All regions and departments have a long-term perspective, deploying innovation chains around industrial chains and arranging industrial chains around innovation chains, providing strong support for promoting high-quality economic development.

The market orientation of technological innovation is continuously strengthened -

The Meituan Robotics Research Institute in Shenzhen has been established for less than two years and has reached cooperation with many universities such as Tsinghua University, Beihang University, and Southern University of Science and Technology to carry out joint research. Relevant research results are not only included in top international academic conferences but also applied in the research and development and operation of enterprise drones.

"This method of enterprises putting forward demands and universities providing answers can form an effective collaborative cycle of industry-university-research." said Zhang Tao, director of the Department of Automation, Tsinghua University.

The gold content of scientific and technological achievements needs to be tested by the market. To improve the ability of innovation-driven development, we must strengthen the market orientation of technological innovation and promote the deep integration of the innovation chain and industrial chain. China has continuously improved the mechanism for the transfer and transformation of technological achievements, effectively improved the quality and level of industry-university-research cooperation, continuously consolidated the dominant position of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and significantly enhanced the supporting role of scientific and technological innovation in high-quality economic and social development. From January to May this year, a total of 462,000 invention patents were authorized in China, with enterprises accounting for 74%; the operating income of high-tech service enterprises above designated size increased by 9.9% year-on-year, 1.4 percentage points higher than that of all service enterprises above designated size.

Accelerated transformation and application of scientific and technological innovation achievements -

Good news came to Chen Minfang, a professor at Tianjin University of Technology. Previously, she designed and prepared magnesium alloys that meet the clinical requirements for internal fixation of fractures, and the application prospects were promising. However, due to the insufficient clarity of the ownership of scientific research achievements, investors had concerns, and patented technologies could only stay at the laboratory stage.

The turning point came from the new measures for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements launched by Tianjin University of Technology - after application and evaluation, the achievement completer can enjoy 90% ownership and become a shareholder in a new company in an individual capacity. In the end, Chen Minfang's team, in the form of taking shares with patented technology accounting for 20% of the total investment, cooperated with a biomaterial enterprise to establish a new company and jointly develop innovative products.

From January to May this year, the registration amount of technical contracts in Hunan's universities increased by more than 100% compared with the same period last year. Large "deals" worth over 100 million yuan, such as the preparation technology of high-performance copper alloy precision parts of Central South University, appeared frequently; the 2,055 existing effective patents of 14 universities in Ningxia were all inventoried and archived, further facilitating the connection between technology supply and demand... More effective forms of cooperation, more open cooperation platforms, and closer cooperation relationships are guiding the continuous deepening of achievement transformation.

"Apportioning rights in proportion," "confirming rights first and then transforming," "using first and then paying"... As a series of policy measures for the transfer and transformation of achievements are implemented in detail, more and more scientific and technological innovation entities are moving research achievements from the bookshelf to the shelf and from the laboratory to the production line.

In-depth promotion of industry-university-research-application collaboration -

In Ningjin County, Shandong Province, the degree of agglomeration of the fitness equipment industry is continuously increasing. As the market grows larger and larger, how can we achieve a leap from large to strong? The local government "plays the role of matchmaker" and attracts scientific research institutes such as the Hefei Institute of Intelligent Machines, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the National Research Center for Rehabilitation Technical Aids to deepen cooperation with local enterprises and "introduce living water and endow new energy" for industrial development;

Hard technology start-ups have a short establishment time, high R & D investment, and a long return cycle. The application scenarios for product landing are crucial for survival. Lenovo Group, leveraging its advantage as a "chain master" in the industrial chain, has established cooperative relationships with dozens of enterprises to promote the industrialization and landing of products such as large models and sensors, making capital more "patient" and being a "long-distance running" partner for hard technology;

In the process of transforming scientific and technological achievements, professional talents who understand both technology and the market are indispensable. Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province has established technology transfer centers in major universities and recruited technology managers in large numbers. Chengdu City, Sichuan Province has clearly stated that it will train and introduce 5,000 technology transfer talents in the next three years... Many places are building a team of "technology matchmakers" to promote the accelerated development of the science and technology service industry and make achievement transformation more efficient.

Continuously do a good job in innovation and promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "Scientific and technological innovation can give birth to new industries, new models, and new drivers. It is a core element in developing new-quality productive forces."

The "Decision" proposes that "strengthen the overall planning and organization of innovation resources and promote the integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and industrial innovation."

Continuously do a good job in innovation. All regions and departments have successively introduced new measures to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, accelerate the development of new-quality productive forces, and accelerate the shaping of new drivers and advantages.

Give full play to the leading role of innovation, and continuous strengthening of original and disruptive scientific and technological innovation -

At the beginning of this year, the team of Academician Qiao Hong of the Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences independently broke through multiple core technologies and developed a "big factory" for the design and assembly of humanoid robots. It can quickly design and build the hardware and software systems of humanoid robots and conduct rapid verification in a high-precision environment, greatly shortening the existing research and development cycle. At present, the system has developed multiple prototypes of the Q series humanoid robots, initially realizing technical verification for different scenarios.

"In the future, our team will continue to closely focus on the overall goal of building a technological and industrial innovation chain for humanoid robots, continuously break through key technologies, expand application scenarios, create an industrial ecosystem, and strengthen support capabilities." Qiao Hong said.

From humanoid robots to quantum computers, from brain-computer interfaces to 6G network equipment... China is accelerating original and disruptive innovation. New technologies in various industries are constantly emerging, and incremental technological innovation is continuously improving. Productive forces are leaping to a higher level.

Scientific and technological innovation is the core element in developing new-quality productive forces. Yin Hejun, secretary of the Party Leadership Group and minister of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that to cultivate and develop new-quality productive forces, we must grasp scientific and technological innovation as the "source of living water," adhere to scientific and technological leadership and innovation-driven development, continuously open up new fields and tracks for development, and continuously shape new drivers and advantages for development.

Unblock bottlenecks and deepen institutional reform -

To accelerate the cultivation of new-quality productive forces, we must shape production relations that are compatible with them. We need to deepen reforms in the economic system, scientific and technological system, etc., and focus on unblocking the bottlenecks that restrict the development of new-quality productive forces.

Piloting the granting of ownership or long-term use rights of job-related scientific and technological achievements to scientific researchers is one of the important measures to accelerate the improvement of the socialist market economic system in the new era. In February 2020, the meeting of the Central Committee for Deepening Reform reviewed and approved the "Implementation Plan for Piloting the Granting of Ownership or Long-Term Use Rights of Job-Related Scientific and 

Technological Achievements to Scientific Researchers." In May of the same year, 40 universities and research institutes across the country launched a three-year pilot. Up to now, six universities and research institutes in Shanghai, including Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, have completed the pilot tasks. 675 achievements have been granted rights and implemented, and the transformation amount has reached 1.066 billion yuan.

"The reform of granting rights has fully released the innovation vitality of scientific researchers, making the operating model of start-up companies more in line with market demands and more flexible in operation." said Zhong Shi, director of the Technology Transfer Center of the Science and Technology Research Institute of Fudan University.

Innovate the allocation method of production factors, optimize the allocation of innovation resources with a high-standard market system, guide more capital to flow into innovation and entrepreneurship fields, and support private enterprises to participate in major scientific and technological research projects... A series of reform measures promote the smooth flow of all kinds of high-quality production factors and are fully transformed into advanced productive forces on the innovation chain and industrial chain. According to statistics, at present, there are 463,000 high-tech enterprises in China. The installed capacity of industrial robots accounts for more than 50% of the global share. The industrial Internet has achieved full coverage of major industrial categories. The digital economy and green and low-carbon development have formed more new growth points. (Reporters Wu Yuehui, Gu Yikai, and Liu Wenxin)